Objective—The purpose of the PCA is to observe and report, to the extent feasible pursuant to the processes prescribed herein, on the physical condition of the subject property.
5.3 Coordination of Components:
5.3.1 Components Used in Concert—The Documentation Review, Interviews, and Walk-Through Survey components of this guide are interrelated in that information obtained from
one component may either indicate the need for more information from another, or impact the consultant’s findings, opinions, opinions of costs, or recommendations, or a combi-
nation thereof.
5.3.2 Information Provided by Others—The consultant should note in the PCR the sources of information used by the consultant that were material in identifying any physical
deficiencies of the subject property that were not readily observed by the consultant or that supplemented the consultant’s observations.
5.4 Consultant’s Duties:
5.4.1 Who May Conduct Portions of the PCA—The inquiries, interviews, walk-through survey, interpretation of the information upon which the PCR is based, the preparation of
opinions of costs, and the writing of the PCR are all tasks and portions of the PCA that may be performed by the consultant, field observer, members of the consultant’s staff, or third-party contractors engaged by the consultant.
5.4.2 Responsibility for Lack of Information—The consultant is not responsible for providing or obtaining information should the source contacted fail to respond, respond only in part, or fail to respond in a timely manner.
5.4.3 Opinions of Costs Contingent on Further Discovery— The consultant is not required to provide opinions of costs to remedy physical deficiencies that may require the opinions of specialty consultants or the results of testing, intrusive
observations, exploratory probing, or further research to determine the cause of the physical deficiency and the appropriate remedy, scope, and scheme for repair or replacement unless user and consultant have agreed to such an expansion of the
scope of work.
5.4.4 Representative Observations—The field observer is not expected to survey every recurring component or system during a walk-through survey. For example, it is not the intent to survey every RTU, balcony, window, roof, toilet room facility, utility closet, every square foot of roofing, etc. Only representative observations of such areas are to be surveyed.
The concept of representative observations extends to all conditions, areas, equipment, components, systems, buildings, etc., to the extent that they are similar and representative of one another.