NEW Resource Available!
Need assistance on your latest construction project? Now small business owners and entrepreneurs can use the Small Business Help Form to get one-on-one guidance on planned or ongoing construction projects, including inspections, permits, and general advice. DOB’s new Small Business Support Team (SBST) will handle the inquiries and project applications coming from our City’s small business community. Whether opening a new place of business or renovating an existing one, owners and entrepreneurs can get the dedicated support they need.
Contact SBST through the Small Business Help Form to get your project to completion and your business up and running faster. For additional resources and support, contact the NYC Department of Small Business Services' NYC Business Express Service Team (BEST).
Things You Need to Know
Your success in executing and completing your construction project depends on how well you know, plan, and manage your project.
Hire licensed professionals. Hire qualified and experienced professionals that comply with all requirements of the NYC Building Code and Zoning Resolution to consult and finalize the scope of work. Find licensed professionals.
Resolve violations. The NYC Construction Codes require owners to build and maintain their properties in a safe manner and under safe conditions. Violation information is public and will appear in a property title search. Open violations can prevent an owner from selling or refinancing. Learn more about resolving violations.
Obtain a permit. The majority of construction requires a DOB permit. Your RDP is responsible for submitting the application, drawings and other required documents to DOB for approval. Get more information on obtaining a permit.
Certificate of Occupancy. A Certificate of Occupancy (CO) states a legal use and/or type of permitted occupancy of a building and confirms the completed work complies with all applicable laws, paperwork has been completed, fees paid, relevant violations resolved, and all necessary approvals have been received. No one may legally occupy a building until the Department has issued a CO. Learn more about Certificate of Occupancy.
Determine your Zoning District. To determine the zoning district of your property and its applicable zoning regulations, visit the Department of City Planning’s website at www.nyc.gov/planning.
Sign installation. NYC Construction Codes place a limit on the size of a sign that can be installed without a permit and requires a licensed professional Master or Special Sign Hanger be retained to install a sign. Find information on regulations governing sign appearance, when a permit is needed to install the sign and who can install it. Get information on business signs.
Business Owner’s Bill of Rights. The Business Owner’s Bill of Rights ensures business owners are provided with prompt, efficient, and easily accessible service. Read the Department's Business Owner’s Bill of Rights in English and in Spanish.