901.7.2 Fire Watch
Unless otherwise directed by the department, the building shall be evacuated or a fire watch maintained in accordance with this section when a standpipe system, sprinkler system or fire alarm system is out of service. Such fire watch shall be conducted in compliance with the requirements of FC 901.7.2.1 through 901.7.2.3.
901.7.2.1 Duties and Responsibilities
Persons conducting a fire watch shall:
1. continuously patrol the area affected by the out-of-service fire protection system to which such person has been assigned, keeping constant watch for fires;
2. be provided with at least one approved means for notification of the department and any FLS director, FEP coordinator or FEP staff on the premises;
3. immediately report any fire to the department and notify emergency preparedness staff on the premises;
4. be trained in the use of portable fire extinguishers and equipped with a portable fire extinguisher, or made aware of the location of readily accessible portable fire extinguishers in the area to which such person has been assigned to maintain a fire watch;
5. be responsible for extinguishing fires when they are limited in size and spread such that they can readily be extinguished using a portable fire extinguisher;
6. maintain a record of such fire watch on the premises during the fire watch and for a minimum of 48 hours after the fire watch has concluded; and
7. have no other duties.
901.7.2.2 Fire Guards Required
The fire watch required when a standpipe system, sprinkler system or fire alarm system is out of service shall be maintained in accordance with FC 901. and this section.
Exception: The impairment coordinator or other building staff trained and knowledgeable in conducting a fire watch may conduct a fire watch in lieu of a fire guard during the initial 4 hours of a planned removal from service, or after discovery of an unplanned out-of-service condition, provided that the floor or area in which the fire protection system is out of service does not exceed 50,000 square feet (4645 m 2).
901. Fire Guards Required
The fire watch required for an out-of-service standpipe system, sprinkler system or fire alarm system shall be maintained by one or more fire guards.
901.7.2.3 Fire Watch Coverage
A sufficient number of fire guards shall be provided such that each floor or area in which the fire protection system is out of service is patrolled at least once an hour. The area to be patrolled by each fire guard shall not exceed more than 50,000 square feet (4645 m2) of floor area. The area patrolled by each fire guard may be further limited by the department depending on the configuration of the premises, impediments to patrol, nature of the occupancy, fire risk, and other fire safety considerations.